Astrolight Center
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Areas of Deeper Discovery
Personal Telephone Conferences after your first Astroanalysis 
 $95.00 per hour.

The Astrolight Center offers a wide range of personalized Astroanalysis products.  Add insight to you life by ordering your own personal Atroanalysis.  

Additional Telephone Conferences offer deeper discovery: 
(Choose from the following topics or create your own.)


Points of Power and Insight
Relationship Analysis in General
Relationship Analysis Between Two Individuals
Explore Sexuality
Financial Resources
Career Direction
Mind and Consciousness
Higher Plane Activity
Moving to a New Location


• Insight on Sun, Moon and Ascendant

• Insight into the workings of your conscience, personality and desires as    expressed by the natures and positions of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant


• Insight into the qualities and resources represented by the activities of Mercury Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in your birth chart.

• Research into your Ruling Planet and Rising Planets on your personality

• Perspectives on your character tendencies, aggressive and receptive, desires and accomplishments.


• Methods your conscience uses to communicate with your personality in action.

• The dynamics or aspects energized in interactive planetary relationships.

• The Planet in high focus and its requirements for synthesis of the talents and energies it exposes for powerful results.

• The Elevated Planet and its effects on your career, your capacity and your purpose in life.

• Recognition of your Sun's planetary ruler or Higher Self and its effects on your inspiration and development of individuality


• Transcendental Planets, soul Growth and Part of Fortune

• Penetrate the depths of the Soul, age of the Soul, and karmic debts.

• Comprehensive analysis of the transcendental planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, including new information on Chiron.

• Exploration of personal power, practical direction and transformation.

• Attention to finer points of planetary dignitaries and critical degrees.

Points of Power and Insight

• Location, influence and qualifies of Synthesized Points of Intersections, creating influences and outlets of energy in your life. 

• Includes your Point of Greatest Happiness, Point of Personality Projection, Point of Intuition, Point of Sexuality, Point of Transformation, Point of Illumination and many more power vortexes.

Relationship Analysis in General

• In depth discovery of desires, forces and energies at play in relationships with family, friends, partners and public, influenced by Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon with projections of compatibility

Relationship Analysis Between Two Individuals

• Discover points and qualities of union, compatibility, bonds of friendship or marriage, and chemistry including description of most favored partner and potential relationships. Requires two astrocharts.

Explore Sexuality

• Discover personal sexuality as revealed in your Birth Chart, including attitudes toward self-expression, personal projection and sexual relations with others.

Financial Resources

• Appreciate financial as well as inner resources available through personal efforts and collective enterprises, inheritances and debts.

Career Direction

• Take a look at work, duties, career options and calling as revealed in your BirthChart, including your natural talents and resources.

Mind and Consciousness

• Analyze the work of your conscious mental activities, your higher mind, and your subconscious mind. Help free and expand your thinking, attitudes and awareness for accelerated awakening and conscious living.

Higher Plane Activity

• Become aware of influences from higher planes. Includes penetrating discovery of influences from Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto.

Moving to a New Location

• Examine the significance of moving based on actual direction, personality effects and career changes. Go consciously to a place that enhances your development


• Gain knowledge of the seemingly inexplicable events. Find spiritual possibilities.

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 For more information contact: Pearl Foster

Spokane, WA 99203