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Planetary Energy Centers
Explanatory Document

Planets are physical forms that represent of living energies. We can become conscious of the nature of these energies and choose to harmonize with them to accelerate our evolvement to higher states of being. 

Read about the nature of these currents of available energy by ordering Astrolight's inspired interpretation of the planets, each of which is a center of energy. 

To order, send $5.00 check or money order accompanied by your request for the Planetary Energy Centers Description to: 

Pearl Foster
Astrolight Center
618 East 39th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203

Astrolight's Planetary Energy Centers Description may be sent to you by email or US Mail. Along with payment, please note the address of your choice. 

 Return to Order Page

 For more information contact: Pearl Foster

Spokane, WA 99203