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2001 Astrolight Insights

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When the Sun goes into Aquarius at 4:17 PM pst on the 19th of January, the light of truth will shine down upon the fruits of our creativity, and we will each be challenged to ask ourselves whether anything we have produced will guide, energize or in any way support our community's future health or well-being. The answers we receive will immediately enlighten us about the necessity of harmonizing our efforts for the Common Good.

With this burden of conscience we approach the New Moon in Aquarius on the 24th of January at 5:07 AM. Strengthening our connections with our Inner Teachers and Guides will be essential, as we allow our hearts to expand and encompass "everyman" in need of our help. The desire to serve will inspire new techniques of uniting and communicating with each other. We can call the linking process that will occur, "heart to heart."

Within hours of the new moon both Saturn and Jupiter will take a turn for the better, bringing the potential for an equilibrium born of strong beliefs backed up by responsible productivity. Saturn will be stationary at 24 degrees Taurus, going direct, on the 24th at 4:24 PM pst. Jupiter will be stationary at 1 degree Gemini, going direct, on the 25th at 12:38 AM pst. Once again we will go over the lessons we learned about building our foundations on real substance, trust, truth and necessity. We will ask ourselves about our priorities, getting straight about our values and

identifying the contents of our hearts. We will be tempted to try to believe all things are equal, rather than endure the sense of separation that comes from taking a discriminating look at the groups and causes we are supporting, and choosing to leave behind the useless and outdated.

We may all be relieved, when Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces on February 3rd at 11:14 PM, and we are given extra time to do our homework, before we have to answer these difficult questions. We can well spend the short time until Mercury goes direct, consulting with our Inner Guides and elevating our spirits into the realms of the Higher Self, while we study the meaning of compassion. By the time Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on the 25th of February we will surely have some answers.

Both Mars and Venus will be moving into fire signs in early February: Venus into Aries on the 2nd and Mars into Sagittarius on the 14th. High minded energy will be available to flare up our hearts with the courage to stand up for whatever we care about, to move in the direction of our greatest interest, to celebrate being with dear ones, and to risk our time and money in the pursuit of happiness or at least of friendly, possibly competitive, interaction with others. With Mars in Sagittarius we can take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the Great Ones on this planet and beyond, who are helping and guiding us through this amazing time of transition. We become aware of the interactive relationship between the visible and the invisible, of the effects of our thoughts and feelings on the physical realities of our daily lives.

We won't miss the full moon in Leo on the 7th of Feb. at 11:11 PM. The obvious temptations to self-indulgence and rebelliousness will remind us to transcend the personal self and to creatively express our dedication to the Hierarchy of Benevolent Beings that have teamed up to give us our hope and help on the path to community. It will be an auspicious time for feeling the love.

Pearl may be reached for astrological self-analysis consultation at 509-747-7367 or The Plutonian Conception CD Series is now available, presenting Pearl's teachings on Spiritual Transformation with Astrological Foundations.

For more information contact:

Pearl Foster

Astrolight Center of Spokane

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