Astrolight Center
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Call for Your Astrolight Self Discovery Session
Astrolight Birth Chart and Written Description 

You may receive your personal Astrolight Birth Chart, accompanied by Astrolight's original description of the Planetary Energy Centers, and Astrolight's inspired interpretations of your Personal Planetary Signs

To set up your Astrolight Self Discovery Session, call Pearl at 509-747-7367 to make arrangements to pay by credit card, check or money order. Be prepared to give your name, the date of birth, exact time of birth, and birthplace to:

Pearl Foster
Astrolight Center
Spokane, WA 99205

Please include your email address along with your payment. Pearl will personally read your Astrolight Birth Chart to you. 

Click here for information on ordering a Personal Telephone Conference during which Pearl will translate the messages in your chart. These messages have been waiting for you until now that you are ready to take an expanded look at yourself and your place in the universe. 

Your Astrolight Birth Chart may be the most valuable personal possession you will ever own. It will offer you a lifetime of insight and revelation. Your Astrolight Birth Chart holds many simple and complex messages, available to you whenever you want to ask for them. All you need is a true astrologer who can interpret for you the hidden meaning of the symbols and equations revealed in your Astrolight Birth Chart.

The Astrolight Center is the only place you can acquire your poster-size (11"x17"), laminated birth chart, uniquely designed to include details about the meaning of your astrological Signs, Planets, and Houses. The chart color-codes planetary symbols and relationships, and clearly indicates Rulerships, Elevated Planets, Focus Planets, and much more. 

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 For more information contact: Pearl Foster

Spokane, WA 99205